Generic Manual Handling






One of the biggest causes of injury at work is lifting and handling objects incorrectly. These injuries can have serious long-term health effects and can occur almost anywhere. The aim of this course is to raise your awareness and educate people in the practice of Manual Handling.

All employers have a legal duty under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations to ensure employees are suitably trained.

This e-learning module takes about 45 minutes to complete.

Who should do this eLearning?

All employees who undertake manual handling activities at work. We all want to be safe at work, so it’s important that everyone knows how to lift and carry items correctly.

What will they learn?

This e-learning provides you with an overview of Manual Handling techniques and an insight into the hazards and risks involved in manual handling, especially to your spine and back.

Course content

  • The process of manual handling in the workplace
  • Your spine
  • Manual handling injuries
  • Good handling techniques
  • Safe lifting equipment